About us

EcuSoftService Teamis a team of engineers and developers that develop automotive softwares. We have been working for you since 2012. Thanks to our experience, we allow our customers to deal with the modification of automotive firmware in the short time and without deep knowledges, which reduces time, money and increases business profitability. Every day we develop new solutions for you, provide information and user’s support so that you can get pleasure from your workand do not waste time on technical nuances.

ESS Software – it is an automatic files editor that allows you to make changes in files without in-depth knowledge in this area. It is enough to load the file into the editor, select the required systems to turn off and save the finished file. The editor provides additional instructions for available systems. If need to remove the connectors from sensors, system reset through diagnostics and other actions. ESS Software works on Windows XP/Vista/7/10 x86/x64. ESS Software  – it is a client-server app. It must have always internet access for work. User have an account on our server, all information are storage on the server. Dongle it is only access to your account. If user lost the dongle – it is not a problem. Can buy the new – and account will be available again for your work. Price for new dongle is 100 euro. Every user have a daily files limit. At start it 15 file for regular and 20 files for FULL version. It is the max and cannot be increase, Daily limit can be decrease lemp or forever – if user try to sell our sultions into web without real cars. All files process soon 3-5 hours, the max 24 hours. Files add to db on out servcer. When the file has been add – user receive the confirmation via email and can process the file on his pc. Support doesn’t send the file via email, skype or something else, don’t answer, only if have questions or want to send the information to the user. If you have more questions or problems, you can always contact our technical support, which works for you 24/7!

The speed of response support is very important to our customers. Because basically there is no possibility to wait for the great amount of time. File service is available 24 hours a day. Time making solutions to 24 hours. To decrease time, we have added new automatic file processing algorithms and expanded staff. We can help you via skype, email, teamviewer, facebook messanger. Contact information see on the right of the page –>

We have more 20k original files for more than 30 car brands. Every user of ESS Software can download original files for you for free. In software you can make request for original file needed. Select information about car and identifications number for file what are you need. Requests process soon 5 min. The count of request per day is not limited!

If you have questions, comments or suggestions – please contact us. We are ready to talk!

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